Following Jesus
The purpose of this document is to highlight and make people aware of areas in following Jesus. It is prayed that it will deepen the reader’s relationship with Him. The document contains only a short summary of topics. The reader should be always listening to the Holy Spirit and reading the Bible. This is because relationships are dynamic and not a procedure or recipe. The specific areas are listed in the table of contents. The sections, Basic Understanding and Close Relationship with Jesus, should be read first. The other sections can be read without reading previous ones. Bible verses are put in brackets for the reader to examine for better understanding. It is recommended to read the scripture passages! Some sections have an application part to help put the information into practice. Please pray through the document (don’t rush!) and ask for the Holy Spirit to give insight, understanding as we can’t do this on our own. You can never go wrong running to Jesus. May your love, knowledge, and intimacy with Him grow as you increase in understanding.
A pdf of the content is provided here: following_jesus.pdf