Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the Son of God. The supreme ruler of the whole universe and everything in it. He is the most loving, kind, and patient being that exists. He is also the most powerful and just being in existence. He never began and will never end. He loves people so much that He willingly died to take the punishment for our wrongdoings, which is death & separation from God. He died despite never doing anything wrong or evil. He is perfect. He defeated death and rose to life so that we may have eternal life. He offers you freedom, all you have to do is believe in what He did for you, and to submit to Him as Lord. Jesus desires to hang out with you, He wants to be your savior & friend, a source of comfort in times of need. He wants you to know that He has good plans for you. He also wants you to have life to the full and that is found in following His ways. He is always present and available to talk with and spend time with at all times and anywhere. He wants you to be a part of His family.
How Jesus Relates to Us
Jesus knows what it is like to be human and all the trials and struggles we experience. He understands what it is like to be hungry, thirsty, tired, experience pain, be in anguish and tempted to do wrong. He never did wrong, He never put His own will before God’s (Hebrews 4:15, John 4:6-7, Matthew 4:2, 26:39). Everyone was created for a relationship with others and most of all with God. We try to fill the relationship we should have with God with people or things. Only Jesus can fulfill that relationship need completely. Here are some ways that Jesus relates to us:
Friend: wants to spend time with us and hear how we are doing and what we would like to do (John 15:15, James 2:23, 2 Chronicles 20:7).
Savior: save us from sin, death, and from the enemy (2 Timothy 1:10, John 3:16-17)
Shepherd: to guide us, watch over us and defend us (John 10:11, Psalm 23:1)
King: the one who has authority over us and determines how we should live (Revelation 17:14, 1 Timothy 6:15)
Father: loves us for we are His children, nurturing us, filling us with and giving us good things (Matthew 7:9-11, 1 John 3:1, 14:23, Romans 8:32)
Comforter: to hear us out when we are hurting and to give us hugs (2 Corinthians 1:3-4, John 14:26)
God: Who we should worship and Him alone (John 1:1-2, 10:30, 14:9-10)
Teacher: teaches us what we need to know to live rightly and how to do so (1 John 2:27, 2 John 1:9)
Healer: healing our emotional, mental, and physical issues (1 Peter 2:24, Luke 4:18)
Judge: hold us accountable for every word and thing we do (2 Corinthians 5:10, John 5:27)
Defender: defend us from the enemy and protect us from things that would harm us (Psalm 9:9, 91:4, 1 John 5:18)
Brother: He is family and to enjoy being a part of His family (Matthew 12:50, Romans 8:17)
Master: to be the one that we most admire and to sit at His feet (Ephesians 6:9, Romans 1:1, 2 Peter 1:1)
Advisor: giving us advice and direction on decisions and goals (Isaiah 9:6, John 16:13)
Provider: providing for our needs, clothes to wear and food to eat (Matthew 6:25-33, Malachi 3:10)
How to Encounter Jesus
The following are some ways for you to encounter Jesus:
Ask Him to reveal Himself to you!
Read the Bible (His written word, start with the new Testament, in particular the book of John)
Meet a Holy Spirit filled Christian