Consecrating Places & Things

It is good to pray over and anoint places or things and consecrate them to the Lord. (2 Chronicles 7:15-16, Exodus 30:26-29, Exodus 40:9). It is also good to remove any objects which are idols (something you serve or are dependent on in an unhealthy way) or demonic in nature (Exodus 30:26-29). The following are few brief suggestions on praying over a house/building:

  • Get a at least one other mature follower to pray with (Matthew 18:19, Luke 10:1)

  • Pray over the main entrance to the house and anoint the frame with oil (Exodus 12, Nehemiah 3:1-6)

  • It recommended to pray over each room in the house and anoint each door and window which interfaces with outside the house 


Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal if you have any idols in your life or home. Note: Your idol could be something you carry around in your pocket!