Short Sayings
“Believe and Receive”
Believe in Jesus and what He says about Himself and what He says about you. Receive His love and grace, you can’t do anything without receiving
“I am free, because of what Jesus has done for me”
Jesus set you free 2000 years ago! The price for your freedom was paid, now you can walk in it. You are free simply because of what Jesus had done!
“Intimacy and Identity, brings out the best of my entity”
Intimacy with Jesus is how to bring out your best and to walk in the fruit of the Spirit, knowing and believing your identity keeps you from being bogged down
“When I walk in the will, the enemy can’t steal and kill”
The will of God is this: to believe in Jesus. Follow the leading of Holy Spirit keeps you safe from the enemy
“In God’s grace, is where I find my place”
Understanding that you are saved by grace and not by anything you do, alleviates any pressure on you and allows you to live out God’s calling for you in abundance
“Keep my love tank full, and sin loses its pull”
Receiving, resting, knowing, and believing in God’s love for you keeps you satisfied. Then sin, worldly things and the desires they can generate lose their appeal. You also won’t find the need to get praise or acceptance from people!
“Tired of repeatedly making mistakes? Identifying the lie you believe is often all it takes”
We act out of what we believe, if you find yourself not behaving like Jesus in a situation, knowing what lie you have bought into is often the way out! Sometimes we are not even consciously aware of what lies we have bought into
“Jesus carries the team!”
He always has and He always will!
“You know where you need to go, so just go”
If the Holy Spirit is leading to go somewhere, you don’t have to worry about what the situation looks like, He will make it happen! Seas will split & mountains will move, and you will move them by faith!
“God is not looking for perfect people, He is looking for willing people”
God uses willing people, performance does not determine whether or not He can use someone. Additionally, humility is a key factor for being used by God
“We torture ourselves with the unsurrendered areas of our lives”
When we try to retain control of our lives we actually end up getting stressed in those areas and it causes turmoil
“You cannot love God more than the love you receive from Him”
God gave you all of His heart and all of Himself when He gave up His son for you! Receiving that love enables you to love Him with all of your heart and all of you!
“Jesus is the example, not the exception”
When you read about Jesus' life and what He did in the scriptures, that is the example we are to follow and His ways are the ways we are to walk in. We are now like Him!
“Let God do the work”
Be yoked to Jesus and let Him do the work through you!
“To love yourself is to see yourself as God does”
To have a healthy love for yourself is to see yourself as God does, the same value and preciousness that He places on you!
“One thing at a time”
Let the Holy Spirit direct you in what you should be working/focusing on. Trying to do everything at once will cause stress & resources split thinly across things.
“It is not all about being right”
When in a discussion in which you disagree with someone, try to make it your objective to relate & sympathize with the person instead of proving you are right!
“The less you do, the more God does”
The less you try & do things out of your own strength & human effort, the more you will see God work in, through & around you.
“There is no try in the Bible”
Do or do not, there is no try. When it comes to morality there is no trying. God has equipped & enabled us to do everything that is good & right. There is no earning or getting right by trying.
“Saying no means saying yes to something better”
You are not going to be able to say yes to everyone & everything. It is healthy & loving to say no.
“Fruit of the Spirit is not based on external circumstances”
Love, joy, peace are available independent of external circumstances & only dependent on walking in the Spirit.
“A good leader equips others to replace themselves”
You want to be able to equip a church to be able to function on its own without you. Then they will equip others & so on. This is the multiplying effect.
“Every victory or change must be won or done in the spiritual realm first”
If you want to change or win in an area of your life or someone else’s you first need the change or victory in the spiritual realm. This is done through prayer.
“Wait, because you can trust that Jesus is never late”
You can always wait on God to do what He says. He is never late.
“Things come faster the more your surrender”
Often God wants to surrender something before we can have it. He does this because we relinquish control and then trust Him with it. It is better for you!
“Your sin does not define you, the blood of Jesus does”
Your sin does not define who you are, your good deeds do not define who you are either! Only the work of Jesus on the cross!
“In Out”
It is best to get “in” things (your relationship with God, your well being, your family), built and founded before getting involved in “out” things (work, ministry, social, etc).
“If spending one-on-one time with Jesus is not your highest priority, Jesus is probably not your priority
Let’s face it, where your treasure is there your heart will be also.