God’s Presence

God dwells inside of you! He is always present with you in every situation and every circumstance (John 14:23, Acts 2:38). In this case God’s presence is referring to the tangible experience of Him. The following are some ways of His tangible presence in the spiritual plane which directs your focus to Jesus:

  • A warm glowing: an experience of an inside out warmth and possible “brightness” in face that originates from God’s indwelling Spirit. It is a joyful and peace bringing experience (Acts 6, Exodus 34:29-35, Psalm 16:11)

  • Comforting hug: an experience where your being is being “hugged” by God, a comforting and peace bringing experience (Isaiah 57:15, 2 Corinthians 1:3-5)

  • God’s Holy presence: and experience where you recognize the holiness, majesty and greatness of the King of Kings. A reverence and awe bringing experience (Revelation 1, Daniel 10)

  • Being “filled” with the Holy Spirit: an experience where you are filled with the Holy Spirit and joy, a pleasant and relaxing experience, can include giggling (Ephesians 5:18, Acts 2:1-15) 

If you are physically manifesting or feeling something only on the physical plane (something experienced by your 5 senses), it is likely not God. The exception is you are being physically healed. If the experience does not bring your focus to Jesus, it probably is not from God. Don’t chase the experiences, pursue Jesus!   

Being Filled with the Holy Spirit

We are to be filled with the Holy Spirit! This is what enables us to be an effective witness to the world of who Jesus is and to build up the church. The main way to get filled is to have a close relationship with Him and spend time with Him. You can also just ask to be filled or be filled when others pray for you. A good indicator of if you are filled with the Spirit, is to ask this question: “are you influencing what is around you or is what is around you influencing you”. (Ephesians 5:18, Acts 4:8-31, 6:3, 11:24, Luke 4:1, 11:13, 1 Corinthians 12:13)