Heaven & Hell

Heaven & hell refer to the two places of destination after a person physically dies. Heaven is a place of spending time with God and other followers of Jesus for eternity. Hell is a place for demons and people who did not follow Jesus. They will be separated from God for eternity (Matthew 25:46, Revelation 21). 


Heaven generally refers to the place where the Father and Jesus currently reside (but they also live in you!). There will be, after Jesus returns, a new heaven & new earth. In this new place of dwelling there is no possibility for evil, death or suffering. There will be a new city of Jerusalem which will be huge and a place for people to dwell. We will spend time enjoying the new creation & worshiping the Lord Almighty! In the new heaven and new earth all the options for choosing wrong are removed! People will only choose good! (Revelation 7,21, 2 Peter 3:10-13, 14:23 Isaiah 65:17, 1 John 2:17).  


Hell refers to a place of eternal separation from God. It is a place of fire, suffering & torment. People who did not believe in Jesus as well as demons will spend time there for eternity  (Revelation 20:10-15, 21:8, 2 Thessalonians 1:9, Matthew 25:41, Luke 16:19-31).