Godly Planning

All Godly planning is done in the Spirit. Following the Spirits leading & using wisdom in circumstances & decisions. Prayer & listening are an essential part of following the Spirit. Be active in seeking God’s direction (Proverbs 3:5-6, 16:1,3,9, James 1:5, Galatians 5:25). General steps for doing this are outlined below.

Prioritizing: is the first step in Godly planning. Center decisions & plans around what has highest priority. The following is a in-general priority list:

  1. Relationship with Jesus: time with Him, what is He asking you to do (Occupation, Mission, Tasks)

  2. Everything Else: Relationship with Immediate Family (Spouse & Kids if married, Siblings & Parents if single), Relationship with Church Family or Extended Family, Relationship with Friends.

Look at the Big Picture

Examine your life and see if what you are doing is moving in a direction that is towards God’s calling on your life. Is what you are doing now, setting you up to be your best for what God is calling you to do. The Ministry & Calling section has more details.


The following is a list of practical things to consider in aiding planning

  1. Getting adequate soul & physical rest

    1. Have adequate down time or personal time

    2. have good sleeps or naps

  2. Do some research on the topic/decision

  3. Get advice from people

  4. Planning Tools

    1. A calendar to keep track of commitments & events

    2. Shared documents to organize thoughts 

    3. Spreadsheet for budgeting & finances