Basic Understanding

This section on following Jesus is the base for the rest of the document. The rest of the document will not be as helpful if the reader does not agree with or understand these points.

The Need for Jesus

Everyone has a need. An area in our life in which we struggle, are hurt or feel empty. As humans we are incapable of fixing the situation on our own. We need someone to help us and save us from the state we are in. Jesus helps us in our weakness, He loves us so we are filled and not feeling unloved. He enables us to live full lives, He heals and restores. Without Him there is no hope of life in the way it was meant to be (John 14:6, 15:5, Galatians 3:3, Philippians 1:6, Romans 5:5, 8:5-6, 1 Peter 5:10, Isaiah 53:4-5).


Ask yourself these questions:

  • What do I feel like is missing in my life?

  • What area of my life would I like improvement in?

  • What am I struggling with?


To follow Jesus a person has to want to accept what Jesus Christ says is true and not what they think is true. This is called repentance. Repentance is saying I don’t want to live for myself and that I want to live for Jesus. This is done by saying no to all desires and ideas that are not what God wants, then believing and doing what Jesus says is good (Matthew 4:17, 7:24, 16:24-27, Luke 14:33). 

From Death to New Life

To be friends with God a person must believe and state with their mouth that Jesus Christ is their Lord. They have to believe God sent His only Son named Jesus Christ to die on a cross (killing device) to forgive (pardon) them for not obeying God (doing wrong morally which is called sin). Also, that Jesus after 3 days came back to life, went up into heaven and will one day return. When a person believes all this they become born again and receive the Holy Spirit (God’s Spirit). That person is now a new creation on the inside! They are now free from the power of sin (choosing evil) and death to their internal being (Matthew 24:42-44, Luke 24:7, John 3:16-18, 14:23-28, Romans 6,10:9-10, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Acts 19:2).


Accept what Jesus says is true! Repent from your ways and receive the gift of being transformed into a new creation with eternal life!

Relationship with Jesus

Jesus desires to have a relationship and spend time with everyone. When a person believes in Him the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of God) makes His home in the person so that they can be with Him. The Holy Spirit guides, teaches, and enables people to live in truth and reveals the nature of God (John 14:15-31, 2 Corinthians 1:22).