Kingdom Perspective

Is the perspective of the Kingdom of Heaven. This perspective considers things from God’s perspective and not just our own. Often that means thinking of things from an eternal perspective. Jesus in His time on earth showed how He examined common things and situations from a Kingdom perspective. The following are some examples:

  • Food & drink: physically we need food & drink, but we also need Jesus and to do the will of the Father (John 4:13-34, 6:55-59)

  • Tiredness: we physically need to sleep, but we also need rest for our souls. In Jesus we can find rest (Matthew 11:28-30)

  • Temptation: we get tempted but all temptation springs from lies, that it will fulfill our desires in some way. God is the only one who can satisfy. Truth is the only way to combat lies (Matthew 4:1-11)

  • Hardships: hardships will happen, we need to view things eternally. Jesus when in the garden was so in anguish about what was to happen He sweated blood. He did not want to experience what was to happen, but still did it as. He did it because He saw things from God’s perspective and was thinking eternally (Luke 22:40-46, Hebrew 12:2)

  • Ourselves: knowing  how God views us is really important. Seeing ourselves as loved, accepted, pure, and righteous enables to live life well (Ephesians 3:18, Hosea 4:6)

Eternal Perspective

Another way to have a Kingdom perspective is to think eternally. What we do & say in our time on earth matters for all eternity & how we live in the new heaven & in the new earth (Luke 6:23, 19:15-19, Matthew 6:4-6, 16:27, Revelation 22:12). It is helpful to grasp the significance of eternity with respect to our time on this earth. To help with this point the following equation which shows what percentage of our life is spent here on earth will be examined:

The 100 represents how long we live on this earth, which in this case could be 100 years. The variable x is representing our time spent on the new earth & new heaven. The result of this equation is that effectively 0% of our lives are spent on earth! Yet, this insignificant time matters for all eternity!