Week 8 in Japan 2023

This week was the last full week for Jesse in Japan. Wes will be staying until the end of the school term.

Nov 19:

In the morning we went back to the English church in Okinawa City. It was a great message and we were both really encouraged. We then took some personal time to grow and reflect.

Nov 20:

Today we connected with a man who was on a Sabbatical year. We shared with Him about why in Japan and about God’s love. We were also able to chat about Church.

Nov 21:

For lunch we met up with a friend we made through the community center. He is a Christian and is fluent in Japanese. We were all encouraged and had a great time together. Below is a purple sweet potato (beni imo) dessert we got. In the evening we connected with a local at a McDonalds. Were able to share why in Japan and exchange contact information.

Beni imo ice cream dessert

Nov 22: 

After class today we went to a Christian Café with a classmate and his wife. They then toured us around the Southern part of the island. Below are a few photos from the journey. We learned more about Okinawa and some of its history. There many good conversations and also enjoyed some local Okinawan Tempura. Below is a few images from the seaside.

Nov 23:

Today was a relaxed day. We met a man on the monorail who saw our Japanese “Jesus is coming soon” t-shirts. We connected with him, talked about faith and were mutually encouraged.

Nov 24: 

There were evacuation drills at class today for earthquakes, fires, and tsunamis. It was the first time to experience such a drill. We met with the teacher from the English class on Saturday mornings for lunch. We had a great time connecting and had a chat about why in Japan and how God directed it. For dinner we met up with 2 men from the park and had a good time connecting with them.

Nov 25:

In the morning Jesse joined the Christian friend from the community center in a language class that he organizes. Wes helped out with the Saturday morning English class. We connected with the lady from the park for lunch. In the evening we spent time with our classmates. There was a good connection with one of the classmates on the topic of faith. Below is a photo of a store we went with the lady from the park. There are only 10 of these stores in all of Japan.

Thanks again for your support and prayers. We are blessed because of them.


Evangelism and Website Engagement


Week 7 in Japan 2023