Week 7 in Japan 2023

This week starts where we left off last week in Osaka. Later in the week we took a JLPT 5 practice test which we both passed.

Nov 12:

Today we went to the toast cafe in the morning which is owned by the lady we met in Naha. It was a great time eating, connecting with workers and customers. We went to Church in the afternoon and connected with a few people there. After we went to the airport and had some God-based interactions and gave out cards. Below is a photo of some toast from the cafe.

Nov 13:

Had a good connection with the lady from the park. After lunch we met a man from China who dressed like a Jedi and had an in-depth gospel-centered interaction with him.

Nov 14:

Today we met up again with the lady from the park and were encouraged.

Something we find interesting about Okinawa is that it did not become an offical prefecture of Japan until 1879. Because of this it still has a unique culture that comes from the Ryukyu kingdom that used to exist.

Nov 15: 

Today we set some time aside to pray for the last weeks of the trip. Specifically we asked God what he would like to accomplish. The lady from the park showed up and we encouraged her to follow Jesus.

Nov 16:

In the evening we went to the community center to participate in a social group for the third time. In the class we had a good connection with another follower. We were able to share a part of the gospel briefly with his help.

Nov 17: 

After class we chatted with one of our classmates about church and potentially visiting a Christian Cafe in Naha. Later, we chatted with another classmate about life, shared why we were in Japan and future plans.

Nov 18:

In the morning we went to help out with the english class again. It was a great time and we lost to the kids in a game. After we had lunch with the lady from the park. In the afternoon we went to Shuri Castle and had a time of prayer for Naha. We also prayed over spiritual places around the castle. In the evening we were able to share the gospel with 2 Americans.

Thanks so much for continued prayers and support! We also would like to send a special shoutout to Natalie for making the previous blogs possible!

We thank God for your help in the gospel being shared with the people of Okinawa.


Week 8 in Japan 2023


Week 6 in Japan 2023