The Path of Life

Wide is the path that leads to death & narrow is the path that leads to life! This path can only be found in Jesus. By believing in Jesus you are now a follower & are on the path of life! The path, although narrow, is not without width. Meaning that as a follower you are not constrained to a single exact way to do things & have flexibility to move from side to side on the path. An example of this is say God wants you to buy a truck, the flexibility is what truck you buy specifically. If there are any specifics for the truck God will let you know. This is illustrated in the diagram below. This path is unique to the individual as for what God wants for your life. You can leave this path. God does not want you to leave the path & will always let you know if you are going to. The other amazing thing is that God knows in advance all the times you have left the path or will. He has accounted for it and always has a way for you to be back on the path! You will never be in God’s B-plan, you will always be in the A-plan! However, it is foolish to think that if you are always in His A-plan that you can do whatever you want (Matthew 7:13, Romans 6, John 14:6, Acts 16:6).