Disciple Making Tools
The following are a couple tools you can use to share the good news of Jesus Christ with people. These are meant as a guide and can be tweaked based on how the Holy Spirit is leading.
Prayer Circles
The center circle is you. The other circles can be filled in with people who don’t know Jesus but are in your sphere of influence. These could be people at work, school, your family, friends, neighbors, and etc. You can add circles or draw your own if more people come to mind. Each of those people you pray for have their own spheres of influence which can be impacted by the person you are praying for.
Gospel Diagram
Circle with the Heart: God created the earth and us out of love and had fellowship with Him.
Person running away: We turned from God and His ways and did what is wrong which lead to brokenness in the world
Circle with Squiggle Lines: We are now in a state of brokenness and try things to solve our issues but they lead back to brokenness
Person kneeling: When we acknowledge that our ways our wrong and God’s ways our right and turn to Him
Circle with Crown & Cross: Jesus is God and He came down to earth, lived as a man and died on a cross and came back to life and ascended into heaven
Person with Radiance: When we believe in Jesus and chose to have Him King over our lives we receive the Holy Spirit and become a new creation resulting in having a restored relationship with God
15 Second Testimony
I was _________ and _________.
Then ___________ happened, I repented and now I follow Jesus.
He set me free and now I am ________ and _________ (opposite of line 1)
I was without purpose and addicted to pornography.
Then I started reading the Bible and then had an encounter with Jesus. I repented of my sin and now I follow Jesus!
He set me free and now I have hope and a purpose and am free from porn.
“Need” Question
When reaching out to people you can ask them if they have any needs in their life that they would like fulfilled. You can phrase it like “Is there a need in your life God can meet right now?” You can then pray for that need! God loves meeting people where they are at. You can also phrase the question as “what miracle do you need to happen in your life?”.